Welcome to my writers blog.

Writing to entertain and encourage other writers. To keep you informed of events, workshops, retreats and conferences available for writers.

The Love of Dance

Sunday, 26 October 2008

After all the hard work it's ...

After all the hard work it’s...
I’ve been spending a lot of time working on a prologue to my novel ‘Blades of Time’ and putting together a longer, more in-depth synopsis.
Like most of us, I find the synopsis the hardest part of preparing a book proposal. Normally I’ve managed to complete a short, concise synopsis, which usually tells the story, however this time it didn’t tell the whole story so I was asked by an agent to make the synopsis longer and more detailed. I did this and it was okay, only when I sent it although she said the prologue really worked well and set up the book well, and the synopsis was clear and I’ve obviously worked hard, but it wasn’t for her.

I’ve been informed that Cornerstones are offering to read the first five pages and synopsis of a novel for free and are willing to give feedback of sorts. I think I’ll send this off there and see what happens. This will mean cutting down the synopsis by half, as it has to be on one side of A4 only. More work to do, but one day. One day I’ll get the publishing deal I want and start to earn from my writing.

So I’m off now to write, nothing new there then, and I’ll let you know if anything happens with the writing.

Thursday, 9 October 2008

Autumn Escape Writers Retreat

A place to sit and write. No distractions... just a weekend of writing.

I thought some of you might be interested in this writers retreat weekend. It is being hosted by Novelist Kate Allan (Leighton Buzzard Writers) and Journalist Ian Cundell 9Verulam Writers Circle St. Albans). All writers are welcome. Optional programme of workshops, 'write-ins' and inspiration sessions. 24-hour 'writers' lounge and quiet room. All bedrooms have dedicated word areas.

The weekend is: 29th -30th November 2008 at Silsoe Conference Centre (University of Cranfield) in Silsoe, Bedfordshire.

The weekend retreat including accommodation and meals starts from £98 pp

Book before 18th October 2008 with a deposit of £25

To book call 07973 218434

Check out the website: http://www.writersretreats.webeden.co.uk/

The reason I'm mentioning this is becuase I know lots of us don't get time to go off and write without interuption. this retreat allows you to lock yourself away and write. You don't have to join in workshops if you don't want to. The idea is to give you time to write away from distraction.

I hope to see some of you there.
