Welcome to my writers blog.

Writing to entertain and encourage other writers. To keep you informed of events, workshops, retreats and conferences available for writers.

The Love of Dance

Friday, 26 October 2012

Topic Task - Week Fifty-two

Today has been an interesting day. It feels like the change in the weather is blowing away the dross that was hanging around. I'm looking forward to changes I'm implementing to my writing and with luck, by March I will have finished the first draft of my thriller. In the meantime, I'm trying to find a home for two of my children's manuscripts. They will be winging there way out into the world very soon.

This weeks topic task is to use the following opening lines to create a piece of  writing. As you make your selection think about the market you are targeting. Once complete, why not send it out and see what happens.

1. "Why didn't you tell me it was...
2. The fingers gripped tightly onto...
3. For a moment she was free to...
4. Oranges aren't the only fruit that makes me...

Hopefully one of these openings will inspire you.

So go on, get writing.

Saturday, 20 October 2012

Topic Task - Fifty-One

You have weeks when the writing is slow and that is what it has been for me this week. If I'm honest it is all due to having lots to do and not enough time to really get into the writing. I've fiddled about with a couple of scenes and spoken about writing to some first timers. It was fantastic to see and feel the enthusiasm they have about their material. The discussion that followed was about the way forward. Editors, agents and publishers and how and when to submit work. It is important to make sure that your manuscript is the best it can possibly be before you push it out to meet the world. So how is that done? The best way is to join a good writing circle and by that I mean one that gives good critiques and has members who have been through the process and are still getting published. Attend as many writing conferences you that you can. there many out there and each will inspire. Networking with other writers working in the same genre is a great way to keep abreast of what is happening. As a writer you need to do the leg work to glean all the information, direction, knowledge and skills to get your manuscript up to publishable quality. And remember this doesn't happen over night.

This weeks topic task is to put your self in the position of one of the characters below. You need to tell the story through their eyes. Your character is in a street somewhere. This could be in a City Centre, in a village or down by the coast. What happens to them, how they deal with it and what effect it has on them is up to you. Chose one of the subjects from below.

A. Street Drinker
B. Vagrant
C. Tramp
D. Memory loss victim.

So get yourself inside the head of your character and get writing.

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Topic - Task Fifty

I've had a fantastic couple of days, catching up with old friends and meeting new people. A Bollywood & Bond party was amazing. What made it so great were the people and the effort that went into making costumes and getting into the spirit of the evening - AND the food was exceptional. I have brought a doggy bag home with me.

On the writing front, I've been jotting down new scenes and getting play with my new characters. There has been less written than I had hoped, but what I have done, I'm pleased with.

I've had one of my children's novels re-edited and many things have been brought to my attention. I will now have confidence in sending this one out. Now to see if the editor can also do the one I've just finished!

So what have I got for you this week. As it is week fifty I thought we need to do something special.

The challenge this week is to write a story set at a bus stop. Three characters of your choice are going to be standing at this bus stop throughout the four seasons. Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring. You need to show us how the seasons effect your characters. What happens to their surrounding, them and the way they interact.

So go on, get writing.

Friday, 5 October 2012

Topic Task - Forty-Nine

It's the end of the working week and I've been writing every day and feel very much in the zone. The is the writing zone not the twilight zone or any other zone! It is the most amazing feeling when the writing is working and something that I wonder if non writers would ever experience. It is something you are driven to do. It doesn't give you the opportunity to stop. Characters are great butt kickers - always digging you to get their story down on the page. How can a writer refuse? I know this one can't.

This weeks topic task is set in either a noisy:

a) Cafe
b) Nightclub
c) Swimming pool
d) House Party

You are in conversation with some one and telling them either:

a) A secret.
b) Some home truths.
c) Hear a false statement.
d) Gossip about a teacher at your child's school.

Make your choices, target your market, create your piece of writing and submit.

Remember, writing is wonderful, publication is amazing - that tasty icing on the cake.

So go on, get writing.