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The Love of Dance

Saturday, 23 November 2013

Writing task and book launch - 'The Lost Duchess'.

I've had my head down writing and forgot all about blogging last week. Shame on me. I also, in my defence went into London to the book launch of ‘The Lost Duchess’ by Jenny Barden. Follow Jenny’s link to find out more about the author. This was a wonderful event hosted by Goldsboro Books – click the link to find out more. This is Jenny’s second novel and follows on from her début novel ‘Mistress of the Sea’. During the book launch a trio of actors re-enacted a section from the book, which grasped everyone’s attention. Jenny had been inspired to write by Bernard Cornwell and was delighted when he was able to attend the book launch. These two books had me curled on the sofa, lost in the depths of Jenny’s ability to conjure up scenes that drag you in, play with you and spit you out thinking what’s next? They are, as all writers want – page turners. There is grit, depth, love, fear and over all, a book that makes reading a pleasure.

Apologies for not having blogged over the last two weeks. This week has also been rather difficult – a bereavement in the family has shaken us all. One thing this has shown me is to take up as many opportunities that come my way as I can. Take a chance and see where it takes me. Well, in theory that is great, but doing it might be more difficult, but I am going to try.

I am quite pleased with the new opening for my WIP although I'm not sure if it is now too descriptive, but I guess I will find out later this month. If so I will par it down a little and then with luck will have the happy medium.

For this week’s writing challenge I thought it would be fun to have a look at writing a short story set in a book shop. Think about the location of the book shop, could it be London, the Cotswolds, France or the USA. Is it ultra-modern, quirky, quintessentially English or moth ridden, damp and stagnant? Could this be a book reading, signing, book launch, a hostile takeover or simply a character in love with books, the owner or the building? What could go wrong? What goes right? How does you main character deal with the situation? What season is the story set? What might be decorating the shop? Remember to use all the bells and smells to give the scene depth.

So go on, get writing. 

Friday, 8 November 2013

Write a Picture is back.

It has been a very interesting writing week, a challenging work week and last weekend was full of dancing and champagne, so I can’t complain.

I have been given some very good advice regarding my writing from a wonderful agent and together, well she discovered where and what has been missing in my work. I am aiming to rectify this over the next few weeks and get the balance right. To help me with this I am going to read the opening three chapters of three novels and implement this into my own work. I am hoping to get this done by the end of the month, which is already dashing past too quickly. I only intend to have the first three chapters complete by the end of this period. I have a direction and I'm determined to follow the path, with its twists and turns, hills and valleys until I reach the end. Wish me luck.
 This week we are going back to ‘Write a Picture’, but to make it a little more difficult, I'm also giving you seven words that have to be used within your piece of writing. There are no guidance as to the genre of this piece.

Words: Heel – Bubble-Tea – Beggar – Shock – Jelly – Hippopotamus – Dumpling.  

So go on, get writing.