Welcome to my writers blog.

Writing to entertain and encourage other writers. To keep you informed of events, workshops, retreats and conferences available for writers.

The Love of Dance

Saturday, 28 June 2014

Thatched Cottage - Who is watching?

Happy Saturday to you all. It has been a good week at the day job – my decision making was upheld and it was good to use my brain for a while.  

I've been consciously trying to eat better, drink more water and exercise daily. For the last two weeks. It must be working as I ache gently – not a burning, just that nice tender ache that tells you that you have actually been toning up. Added to this exercise plan, I have been working in the garden and walking up and down the stairs at work. So hopefully I'm getting a little fitter. I was at work yesterday and was trying to explain to someone that I was doing planking. After failing to describe it effectively I dropped down on the office floor and did it, in high heels! I'm not very good at it yet, but I'm trying.

As promised last week, I have sent off two of my children’s novel samples with synopsis and covering letter. I hope they will be favourably received. I love both and hope they will too. I’ll let you know how it all turns out. In the meantime, I'm starting work on my next WIP which is a piece I've had dancing around in my head for a long while, now is the time to give her legs.

So to this week’s writing prompt. I have selected an image supplied by a friend of mine John Corkett of a thatched cottage at the junction of a road. 
Image by John Corkett
Look at the image. Imagine yourself living there, the furniture inside and the cottage garden that is surrounding it. Outside is a figure just out of view watching. What happens next? Who are they? What do they want? How long have they been standing there? Will they approach and knock on the door or enter through the window late into the night? Friend or Foe? Make this story light or dark but ensure you show us what is happening, remember to use dialogue and all the bells and smells to make this piece come alive.

Go on, get writing. 

Thursday, 19 June 2014

Update and conferences

Okay, okay, I know that I've not blogged for a while, but I have been writing and juggling many other things in life that couldn't be put on hold. A while back I promised to let you know how my attempt to change of writing style went. I sent it in, even though I wasn't sure about it and as it turns out, I was right. The agent, wanted to love it but really didn't. I then made her laugh when I said I hated it too! I was attempting to slow down the pace and make it more immediate but failed on all bases. I will be looking at this again, shortly.

I am now looking for a home for two of my children’s novels. Which I am hoping to send off tomorrow, 20th June 2014, to an agent for comment. Once again, I’ll be posting the results of my endeavours on here. Good or bad.

The craft of writing isn't easy, so it is important to keep on pushing forward, honing your skills, attempting something new and never, never give up. If you love the craft, keep on learning and creating and with every submission you will move a little closer. It isn't easy, but like trimming the waistline, you will learn how to trim your work so that is will shine and attract those who can help you move into print.

 This weekend the annual writing conference in Winchester is running which is a great place to immerse yourself into the writing process. There is something there for everyone, newbies to the veteran writer. It is important to keep abreast of new trends and be aware of where your writing might fit into the market. And most of all there is that family feeling – everyone encouraging everyone else on. Keep an eye out for this one next year 2015. You will find it advertised from March, but you will have to be quick as tickets run out quickly.

The Festival of Writing in York is also a major player in the writing conference world. Once again here you get to learn, develop and share with agents, editors, book doctors and authors. Each willing to share their experience with you. This year’s event is running from Friday 12th – 14th September 2014. The location is wonderful and the courses are inspiring. Book early as places are snapped up.

I better get on to the writing prompts for this week. Use the following to stimulate a piece of creative writing.
  1.   You can’t just leave it there!
  2.     It’s up the tree!
  3.     I just looked at it and it caught fire!
  4.    The earth just opened up and it was there!

Why not try each of the prompts. You select the genre and characters and write a piece that will entice, intrigue, stimulate or terrify.

So go on, get writing.