Welcome to my writers blog.

Writing to entertain and encourage other writers. To keep you informed of events, workshops, retreats and conferences available for writers.

The Love of Dance

Sunday, 30 August 2015

A Time to Create and Learn.

My preparations for the York conference, festival of writing, are almost done- session schedules all printed up and seating plan is organised, it is just awaiting the artistic talents of Mark Clementson to enhance my scribbles. I've also sorted out what to take to keep warm and cosy, it can sometimes be cold, other times beautiful and sunny. Taking boots and sandals along with a coat and umbrella! And of course I'm hoping my little ‘old’ car will make it there and back safely. If not my colleague will have to get out and push!

I'm looking forward to getting some more feedback on my own work and hearing about developments with my many writing friends attending again this year. This is a social event as well as a learning environment. All of us sharing and supporting each other as we continue to develop as writers. I'm particularly looking forward to the Saturday night gala where much fun will be had and just a little bevy may be enjoyed with friends from years past.  

There are a few new agents meet along with all of those I have known for years. As always my team and I will be ensuring that the schedules don’t run over – or at least, don’t run into the next session. Thankfully that hasn't happened yet!

This week’s prompt is to use one of the starting points from below and creating a piece of writing of 1000 words which is to take the form of a monologue.
  • She sat back and sneered…
  • From above I see you as an untouchable goddess…
  • I perched on the upturned metal pal, my head between my legs and …
  • Taking the last pill I began to write…

I hope you enjoy attempting this challenge. When you are writing imagine that you are on stage and acting out your monologue. Most of all, have fun with it.

So go on, get writing. 

Friday, 21 August 2015

The wonder of conferences.

Yes it is Friday and yes this is my blog up on time!

I have discovered that making changes in your life aren't as scary as you might think. In fact, they can be quite joyous. I am smiling and laughing more, I have my sparkle back and within this change I have been able to write more, exercise more and have so much more fun.

I'm getting excited about the York Conference. My preparations are well under way and seating plans will be complete by the middle of next week.  Meeting up with all my writerly friends, networking and meeting all the new agents, editors and book doctors is one of the great pleasures of my role. I'm sure there will be lots of laughter, supporting of delegates and probably a great deal of firmness required, but in the end that is what makes the one-to-one meetings run smoothly. Oh, yes and of course the widely used ‘One Minute Warning’!

There will be manuscripts judged, critiqued, support and encouragement given, many a drink and the sharing of business cards and requests for complete manuscripts and on odd occasions the offer of representation. If you've never been before you’ll experience the most invigorating weekend. You will be leaving with your head buzzing and ideas fighting for your attention and eventually you will be able to use all the information you have gained and put it to good use.

So if you are attending this year, I'm looking forward to either, meeting you for the first time or catching up with those of you whom I've had the pleasure of meeting before. Many of you have become published in this last year and I'm keen to know how the process was for you. One thing I know is that the weekend will pass by so quickly, it always does because we all have such an amazing time.

Now if you want a writing task for this week. It will be this. Take a book you are working or you have finished writing and write a three line pitch for it, then a blurb and finally a 500 word synopsis. However, if you not finished a book yet, take a book you have recently read and do the same. Write your own three line pitch for it, a blurb different from that on the back and then a synopsis.
However in case you want a visual prompt, try writing about the image shown here.

So go on, get writing. 

Sunday, 16 August 2015

Trying something new.

It was a strange kind of week. Work was busy, but fun for many reasons. I have been working on a competition submission and have now sent it out. Unfortunately, this competition doesn't give feedback unless you are short-listed, but like many competitions and agency submissions the companies involved are inundated with submissions which makes it impossible for them to respond to all entrances or representation requests. Tough, yes, but it is part of the business all writers have to accept.

I am now working on my next submission which is going to take quite a lot of sorting out. I know where I need to go with it, but the challenge is to get my vision down on to the pages in such a way that the judges will see clearly my characters dilemma and all the obstacles in his way.
During this process I have started to play with a new genre – commercial women’s fiction. I'm having fun with it and the Windmill writers’ members are engaging with it and laughing at all the right parts. I don’t know if this has any legs, so to speak, but it appears to be writing itself, which is a joy.

So we come to the writing task for this week. Select one of the following genres, six of the following words and a season from the lists below. Then before you start writing, research a market to which you will submit your work. 

Science fiction


So, go on get writing. 

Monday, 10 August 2015

Writing out of the comfort zone, can you do it?

Once again time has been swift to pass. I'm sure it actually doesn't go any faster, but I think it is all to do with all the work that I'm doing and enjoying. There is more to come and I had another training session on Friday.

On the writing side, I've been continuing to write new pieces for my new WIP and have been reading through the YA to improve and often change chunks. It is interesting work.
The Windmill Writers this week was full of interesting pieces of work. Lucy read the end of her story she started last week, this character led piece was unanimously enjoyed by all. She is submitting it to a writing competition – Good luck Lucy. Alan brought us a rewritten piece, which has his usual beautiful descriptions and with a little more dialogue will bring a little more pace to the piece. Michael’s chapters were pacey, giving the ready a roller-coaster ride which began to bring all the elements of the book together, skilfully done, always leaving us wanting more. Nicki read a section from EB which gave us a look at the vulnerability of two characters along with a beautifully crafted dance scene. With each chapter we see the character arc developments and each is encapsulated with the well-crafted scene in which they are placed – even the minor characters breath in each scene. I read a piece I had re written and this time it was agreed that it was more blokey. I spotted a few errors as I read, which I will put right with another edit later in the process. Get it finished first and then go back.

The weekend has been busy again, but unfortunately left me with a rather nasty allergic reaction. I don’t often get them as I'm really careful, but obviously wasn't careful enough this weekend. I'm hoping that be tomorrow the pain caused by the swelling which causes my joints to hurt and become stiff along with the vicious evacuation of the culprit and everything else along with it with have abated and I’ll be able to go back to work and catch up with the back log.

So with that off my chest, here is the writing prompt you should have had on Friday. I hope you find something in the image below to inspire a piece of creative writing. How about giving yourself a challenge and write poetry or a monologue. Come out of your comfort zone and try something a little different, you might be surprised at what you might find.
image by Michael Alexander

So good luck get writing.