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The Love of Dance

Sunday, 5 June 2016

Four weeks on and a writing prompt.

So here we are four weeks in tomorrow. I am able to do so much more, but still have to be careful and pace myself. It is still surprising me how tired I am after doing the simplest of things – half an hour feels like two hours – not good, I am working on building this time up as quickly as I can.
Work have been pretty amazing with their support. Friends have been popping in and stopping my brain from atrophying – some would say that happened a long time ago, but I keep hoping they are wrong. I know one thing for sure, having this stimulus and visits have made my time recuperating so much easier.
I have been driving a little more and aiming to get my walking up again. That really does tire me out, which is stupid considering before the operation I was walking every day and swiftly. I need to get back to that fitness level again.
Yesterday my lovely neighbour brought my grow bags from my car boot into the garden and placed them ready for me to plant up. I spent a few hours, between lunch and tea breaks planting up the twenty-one runner been plants. I found two seedlings that had only just started to germinate so I’ve put them both in another pot to see if they continue to grow. Time will tell for these. I have been out to check on them this morning and they are all looking good so far. I then planted up five hanging baskets and I’m hoping they will flourish. Today, I’ve got four hanging bags to plant up, two hanging baskets and then all the tubs. I don’t expect to get them all planted up today, but over the next few weeks I hope to be done with the planting. I still need to get someone out to sort out my trees and take away the off cuts - there will be lots.
I’ve not managed to get any writing done in this time apart from these blogs, for which I am sad, but my head just hasn’t been in the right place. Hopefully this will change soon, if not, I’ll wait as it is bound to come back at some point. However, it is great to hear and see that many of my writing friends are doing well, having book launches, submitting and writing and rewriting. It is all happening out there.
If you are looking for a writing prompt, look at the image here and use it to inspire a piece of writing set in a restaurant. You have two characters and you need to focus on the dialogue between them. If you want to bring in other characters that is fine too. I hope you have fun with this one.
So go on, get writing.