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The Love of Dance

Sunday 31 May 2009

Sometimes writing takes you by surprise...

...and I have to say that that is exactly what has happened to me. I've been happy writing for children and feel that I'm making small inroads with my work, however, by a share moment of madness I started writing an adult novel.

I read the first scene of this to the VWC, to nick someone elses words, just the best writing circle in the world, and after a brief pause when I thought they were all in shock, the outcome was 'it was the best thing I've written yet! Now obviously as a children's writer this was a bit of a shock, but I've embraced this new story and will endeavour to complete the plotted novel. Nothing ventured nothing gained, so to speak.

But don't worry, my children's work is still being written, and I seems that I can write both at the same time. It must be that they are so vastly different that you couldn't possibly get the two mixed up.

I'm off now to do some more writing. Don't forget to check out the links down the side of this blog. There are some very talented writers there. I've just added Mark Clementson. Click here to check him out - sorry his site: http://markclementson.co.uk/default.aspx

Must dash.

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