Welcome to my writers blog.

Writing to entertain and encourage other writers. To keep you informed of events, workshops, retreats and conferences available for writers.

The Love of Dance

Saturday, 27 December 2014

Moving forward from 2014 into 2015

What a year! Some of it good, some not so good and some really confusing. On the writing front, nothing much has changed. I've submitted material, and had great feedback – up shot good writing but pushing the boundaries too far. I've going to take up the opportunity to submit to another agent, who is keen to see my work. So fingers crossed for the New Year with lots of hard work and determination moving forward to publication might just work.

The writing group I set up at the beginning of November is slowly growing and the quality of writing has surprised us all. There is still room for more members. If you are interested in more information about the group, please contact me at:  windmill.writers.hertfordshire@gmail.com   We are hoping to encourage new and developing writers and gain from experience from those of us in the group who have had experience of publication, conferences and other writerly knowledge. So why not get in contact and help other writers grow and enhance their craft. As writers most of us read and that is why even the novice writer can really contribute to the structure of the material being written. So come and join us in the New Year.

If you fancy a prompt to keep you busy for the quieter period between Christmas and the New Year celebrations why not look at the photo prompts below and see what you can come up with.

I will be starting the new writing prompts in the New Year starting on the Friday 2nd January. I hope you have had a wonderful Christmas and the New Year will bring you many opportunities, both in life and in your writing.