Welcome to my writers blog.

Writing to entertain and encourage other writers. To keep you informed of events, workshops, retreats and conferences available for writers.

The Love of Dance

Sunday, 1 November 2015

A story of the creeping kind.

Gosh what a wonderful weekend and another amazing week at work. It is getting busier all round, work and socialising and I'm loving it all.

My writing has been a bit slower this week, but I am editing and feel that I'm getting closer to sorting out that soggy middle. Today at the ‘Yorkshire Grey’ meeting - YGAW, so many great critiques were given which is what I needed. Extra passion is needed to show how ineffectual my main character feels being unable to do anything about the situation he is witnessing. I think this will give it that added darkness and grit it needs. I've got lots to do and slowly running out of time! I have a deadline and can’t afford to miss this one.

Now I was going to set a Halloween theme for this week’s challenge, but I've decided not to do that, however I do feel that I need to share this lovely big fella with you all. He was found after dismantling an old rabbit hutch. He was so amazing, posing for the pictures. I on the other hand was a little scared that he might jump – thankfully he didn't.

Your writing task is to create a piece of writing that will use the spider in this image as your starting point. What you do from there is up to you. Perhaps you would like to write a piece from the point of view of the spider, a child or the panicking spider hater with a swat.
So go on, get writing.