Welcome to my writers blog.

Writing to entertain and encourage other writers. To keep you informed of events, workshops, retreats and conferences available for writers.

The Love of Dance

Saturday, 15 November 2014

Prompt: I have struggled all my life and...

I am currently knee deep in Christmas cake making, the house smells delicious. I've had to have a few taster cakes to ensure quality and yes, they are yummy. Two batches down and one last lot to make. A batch consists of: One large cake, one small cake and eight cupcake cakes.
I have also made my mincemeat ready for homemade butter pastry. I can feel the pounds going on as I write this, but everything will taste so lovely.

The first official meeting of the Windmill Writers took place on Wednesday 12th November in Chipperfield, Hertfordshire. There were a number of us there at the pub where readings, discussion and general writing chat was had. We are looking to increase our numbers at the weekly Wednesday meetings. If you would like to or know anyone who might like to join our writing circle, then please point them in the direction of this blog or message me for more information.

The Windmill Writers also has a Facebook page: Windmill Writers if you would like to join our online presence the you'll find us on Facebook. 
This week’s writing prompt is to use the

“I have struggled all my life and all I have to show for it is…”

a: A bottle of Vodka and no fixed abode.
b: A child who I love beyond anything else, but only wish I was able to…
c: An empty mansion and a broken heart.

following as a starting point of a piece of creative writing.
You can write this as a journal, a contemplative thought process or a rant at someone. Let your imagination run riot. Make it light and humorous, dark and morose or thought provoking.

So, go on, get writing. 

Saturday, 8 November 2014

Using Dialogue.

A great evening with the Writers Workshop members and agents. This was more of a social than a networking evening with time to catch up, and opening line competition and opening chapter challenge. Once again I was inspired by some of the development many of the authors have achieved and by the gentle nudges from agents to get submitting more and chasing agents. This is my plan for the coming week. 
Add The image below is just a few of the attendees last night.caption
This week I thought you might like to use the image above to practice writing dialogue. As you will already know, the way people talk can enhance their character and tell the read more about the character than a stream of description can. However, to get dialogue right you have to practice. Look at the image above and select two characters, give them a topic to talk about and see where it leads you. 

Some ideas to get you going:
Oh, you have a dog!
So, give me a one line pitch.
I think I might be drunk. 

I'm sure you will get the idea once you start. So, go on, get writing. 

Saturday, 1 November 2014

The Windmill Writers

The new Windmill Writers circle will be up and running on Wednesday 12th November 2014. This has been a long time in development and I hope will allow writers to write, share and develop their own writing skills as well as encourage and guide others.

The circle is designed to give the opportunity to sit and write quietly, share work by read outs and discussions with creative/constructive criticism and workshop writing sessions. There will, in due course, numbers permitting, be opportunities to invite speakers and for members to run sessions.

Image by Nicki J Photography
If you are a writer looking for a chance to come out from behind your laptop and network with like minded people, and ready to share work and comment to help others, then this might be the group for you.
The Windmill is a lovely quintessential pub in the heart of a Hertfordshire village, England. If you would like to have the opportunity to join this group please comment with your contact details a brief description of your writing and your goals for the future. I will contact you closer to the time with further details.

This week we are working from my 'Topic Tin'. This requires you to use  the following to inspire creative pieces of writing. This is a timed task designed to last one hour. You have two minuets to consider the first option. What could you do with it. Three minutes to plot out a basic story arc. Ten minuets to discover your character/s and the final forty five minutes to write. Once your time is up. Stop. Then follow the same instructions with the next prompt. Do this for all three.
1. A grubby cucumber.
2. That last bottle of whisky.
2. The last train home.
All of the above are aimed at getting you running with an idea.

Once you've completed the writing, take time out to have a break. Then go back and review your writing. Do you feel that the work you have stared could be extended into a short story or has your simple plot got legs to develop further? If so, do it.

So, what are you waiting for? Get writing.