Welcome to my writers blog.

Writing to entertain and encourage other writers. To keep you informed of events, workshops, retreats and conferences available for writers.

The Love of Dance

Friday 16 November 2012

Topic Task - Week Fifty-Five

It has been a busy week. The day job was manic, but somehow everything got done. On the writing front, I have been blessed with some wonderful options, and I'm going to be taking them. It means lots of hard work but nothing good is easy.

The preparations for 'Get Writing 2013' are coming on nicely. I'll post more about it soon and of course when the tickets go on sale, I'll let you know.

So what is the topic task for this week?

Photo prompts.

Take a look at the images and try writing something for each.
You could think about aiming to write a piece of poetry for each picture or a non-fiction article simulated by what you see. Of course they could each evoke different feelings which will in itself will guide your writing.

Have a go and play with what you see and the emotions they conjure up for you.
Whatever you write remember to use all your senses to engage with your reader. Once complete think about where might market your work.


Above all have fun with it.

So go on, get writing

Please let me know if you would like more images as prompts.

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