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The Love of Dance

Friday 2 November 2012

Topic Task - Week Fifty-Three

One of my children's manuscripts is now out being read by my reading friend. I'll get good feed back and find out if the story makes sense. I've been doing a lot of editing I'm just hoping I've not chopped out something that is essential. I find this time both exciting and frightening - it's the waiting and the fear of finding out what they really think. Perhaps this time next week I'll know.

If you weren't aware, I'm going to be involved in the 'Get Writing 2013' which will be held on 20th April 2013. Keep a look out for details on twitter @getwriting2013 or here for an update. It's shaping up to be another brilliant conference.

I had a wonderful day out in London on Monday - lovely company, food and conversation. I've been made to look at where I want to be and think about where my writing passion lies. This wasn't an easy task, but I have followed my heart and gone with what makes me really tick.

So what have I got for your topic task this week?

Writing scenes with animals is quite difficult. You need to capture the animals character and how it interacts with its surroundings and maybe other animals or humans. What your animal is and what characteristics you give it is completely up to you. Write your story from one of the genres below.

1. Children's
2. Horror
3. Thriller
4. Historical Fiction

Good luck with this. Go on, get writing.

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