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The Love of Dance

Thursday, 27 March 2008

Another chapter polished

I love polishing chapters. I love writing the first draft, the editing and re-editing and re-writing, re-editing however many times necessary before polishing. I’m now polishing and feeling more confident each page I turn.

I feel I’ve learnt quite a lot during the process of writing this manuscript. It feels deeper and stronger than anything I’ve ever written before. I only wish I could have more time to write. I’m off for the Easter break now and for next week, then back to school. I need to get as many chapters polished as I can before I go back. So its nose to the computer screen, pencil to the hard copy and polish, polish, polish.

Late nights, early mornings and tons of PG Tips tea – strong, hot and by the bucket full will get me through.

See you later – I’m off to write.

1 comment:

Ed Mahony said...


It's nice to read this post. I have just finished my first children's book. And now re-writing it. Have to say it has been great fun writing it. To get published would be a bonus / great though as well!

Good luck with your writing.