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The Love of Dance

Wednesday, 26 March 2008

Lemon Drizzle cakes and Chocolate chip muffins

Well for those who might be interested in having a virtual birthday cake - here they are. Enjoy! Sorry they didn't end up as butterfly cakes. I ran out of time.

By the way, these are only some of the thirty.


Anonymous said...

The virtual cake - I had a chocolate one - was scrummy - and not a single calorie - so big smile here!!!

Thank you, thank you, thank you :D

Cheryl x

Susan said...

Happy to share. Calorie free cakes! What a great idea. Do you think I could sell them on e-bay?

Oscar Windsor-Smith said...

The virtual cakes are pretty cool, but some of us had the real thing ('man sized', chocolate chip variety even)... and lived to tell the tale :)

Thanks, Susan.

Can't wait for your next birthday ;)


Oscar (AKA 'Wobbly W-S') XXX