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The Love of Dance

Saturday, 13 September 2008

Is it adieu, farewell or goodbye?

I’m about to write the last sentences of my latest novel ‘Blades of Time’ and am feeling sad to say adieu to my characters. Hopefully it will be farewell rather than goodbye, and this won’t be the last time I meet with them, because book two is now in a sketchy plot form (needs much work) but promises to be a challenge for me. So many ideas, now all I have to do is work out how they will interlink and weave to create the book I’m aiming for.

Previously I mentioned winning a meeting with an agent. Well let me update you. I’ve sent off some sample chapters, synopsis and a mini statement about myself. I’ve been chatting with agented writers who have given me some idea of what to expect and the things I need to know. The questions to ask and information the agent will require. However, before I can do that the agent has to be interested in my work and me. I’ll let you know how it all goes, as always.

As for now, I’m off to write.

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