Thankfully this writing week has been quite productive. I've
managed to make good progress on the horrendous manuscript I mentioned last
week. It is feeling much better and I hope that when I actually type it up it
will still feel right. One thing I was worried was that I would never write a
decent scene again, but I hope that isn't the case. I'm sure I will find that
out when I meet up with my writerly friends and test out the new sample.
One of the sections in my WIP that I had been struggling with
was description. More specifically description of the buildings and the
internal fixtures and fittings. The thing that helped with this was researching
images on the internet - period houses and furniture that might be found inside.
Then taking time to sit and describe each section: Windows, doors, dressers
etc. The little details that bring the scene to life. Obviously the best way to
do this is to visit a building of the era you are including in your work and
observe, absorb and breathe in the atmosphere that leaks from the walls and
wood work. Write when you are there and bring home the notes and write up.
Another good way is to have a Dictaphone and put your thoughts down in digital
format to type up later.
So, for this week’s challenge. I have posted three images to
inspire your imagination. Look at the pictures and allow yourself to drift into
the frame and explore the exterior, once you have, imagine what the interior
might look like.
After you have done this either keep the image open on your
computer, pick up a pen and begin to write what you see or copy and paste it
into your document and work from there. Remember to look closely. Are there
secrets hidden in the corners? Faces at windows? When you have completed the
first image, move on to the second and then the third. Then think about who
would live, work and play in the building? What would it smell like, when it
was first built, what does it smell like now?
And if you have completed all of these tasks, select one to populate
with characters to create a piece of creative writing.
So go on, get writing.