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Writing to entertain and encourage other writers. To keep you informed of events, workshops, retreats and conferences available for writers.

The Love of Dance

Friday 29 May 2015

This week has seen more change. I have finished work with one employer and will be starting a new job on Monday with another. I'm looking forward to all the new challenges that come my way and hopefully, if the brain is willing, developing new skills. Exciting times.

On the writing front I received a rejection for one of my manuscripts and as there are no critique points given. This is more often than not the case, agents don’t have time to comment on work they aren't in love with, however, this obviously doesn't help the writer. There are editorial houses like Cornerstones or the wonderful ‘Writers Workshop’ who give guidance, a community of writers and are organisers of the amazing Festival of Writing in York.  I will be submitting again soon once I have researched another few agents. It’s all about finding the right fit for the manuscript. I know there is an agent out there somewhere who will love it as much as I do or will be willing to work with me if there are flaws that I'm not seeing. Either way, I will keep going.

Windmill Writers is slowly growing, some very keen writers, those new to writing and those who have much work to do, but have the determination to go for publication. We are all learning. Even those of us who have been working at our craft for years are still acquiring new skills. It is great to have a proactive team of writers around you when you are unsure if a scene is working.

For this week’s writing prompt I have been out and about. I took the photograph below on Sunday evening and thought it might just conjure up some interesting thoughts as a prompt. 

There are no rules for this task. Write what you feel. You might like to try a stream of writing, just start with one thought and keep going until any following thoughts falter and ebb away to nothing. Or try a different genre or writing style.

So go on, get writing. 

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